This animated short film gives never seen before views into the Klein Bottle, which was a breakthrough in surface topology.
The app also features a 3D Viewer of the Klein Bottle.
The Klein Bottle is a classic surface that fascinates mathematicians since it was first described as a “double surface” by the German geometer Felix Klein in 1882. Nowadays it is described as being non-orientable, that means it is one-sided, there is no inside or outside – this property links it closely to the Moebius strip.
The film shows an animation of the original notes of Felix Klein and a wild race over the surface of the Klein Bottle.
3 min 56 sec
A short film by Konstantin Weixelbaum and Ilkay Sakalli
AG Animate, Prof. Dr. Konrad Polthier
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Free University Berlin
Music: GEMAfreie-welten